The Importance of Genetic Testing for Individuals with a Family History of Cancer
An assessment by a Navvisa oncology nurse with specialized training in genetic counseling empowered the patient to have a more informed conversation with his physician about his personal risk for cancer.
Genetic testing can provide an estimate as to an individual’s lifetime chance of developing cancer. It does this by identifying specific changes – called “mutations” — in that individual’s genes, chromosomes, or proteins. Genetic tests are not able to say for certain that an individual will develop cancer, but rather, whether that individual has an elevated risk. In addition, genetic testing can provide information about whether an individual has genes that may pass increased cancer risk to their children and can also provide valuable information to guide health care decisions, including appropriate courses of treatment.
Navvisa Patient Case Study
A patient specifically sought guidance from Navvisa about preventative care he could pursue in order to reduce his risk of developing lung and colon cancer, given that he had a family history of both of these types of cancer. After conducting a full nursing assessment, we connected this individual with one of our Navvisa certified oncology nurses who has a Master’s degree as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Genomics and Oncology. Through subsequent conversations, our nurse assessed the patient’s unique risk factors and suggested appropriate genetic testing for the patient to discuss with his physician. Our nurse helped him understand the importance of catching cancer early, when it’s most treatable and survival rates are highest. In addition, the patient also received evidenced-based recommendations through one on one consultations with our oncology nurse Exercise Specialist and our Oncology Nutritionist around important lifestyle modifications related to diet and exercise that he could adopt immediately to help reduce his cancer risk.
Clinical Impact & Cost Savings
Navvisa’s Certified Oncology Nurses are trained to support individuals throughout the entire cancer journey. For those with a family history of cancer, a Genomics Consult is included to provide specific guidance and education for each individual situation.
After meeting with Navvisa’s genomic expert, this patient gained the knowledge necessary to have an informed discussion with his physician about his personal risk factors for cancer. He was empowered to make personal lifestyle changes to help reduce his cancer risk and was more informed about important surveillance measures to follow. All of these factors combined to create a great sense of agency and peace of mind for this patient and can lead to a reduced likelihood of cancer for this patient and detection of a future cancer earlier.
Relevant Research
- The Genetics of Cancer, National Cancer Institute
- Understanding Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk, American Cancer Society
- What Happens During Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk, American Cancer Society
More Resources
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